
Displaying Additional Documents in your Portal

Adding Non SDS documents to your portal


If you would like to make other safety documentation available to your employees within the SDS portal, you can do so by following the procedure below:

Step 1. Login to your Admin Account

To add additional documents you will need to login to the administrator dashboard and have permission to make changes to the “Global Configuration”.

Step 2. Access the Global Configuration

Select “Global Configuration”” from the “Admin” menu.

Global Configuration Menu Item

Step 3. Upload Your Documents

Select the Additional Documents tab, and use the interface to upload your PDF documents.

The interface also provides you the ability to name and describe your file, as well as set the order that the documents will appear.

Additional Documents Tab

Step 4. View your documents in the employee portal

With the additional documents now in the system, visit the employee portal to see the documents appear at the top of your SDS list.
Pinned Documents in Portal
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